SWIFT People

Portrait of the month

NAME: Oscar Berg
ROLE: Technical Engineering Manager
AGE: 37
LIVE: Stockholm, Sweden


Your journey in brief?
– I started as a car mechanic at Porsche. 🏎 Then I worked at Plåtlådan AB, which is by far the company with the most experience in installing screw lifts in the world. After that I started my own company where I sold and installed screw lifts. Now, since 2021, I’m with SWIFT. 

Your motto in life?
– No one remembers a coward.

What does home mean to you? 
– A place where you can relax. 🛋

Apartment or house?
– House.🏠 (Difficult to find space for all my toys in an apartment. :)) 

City or countryside?
– Definitely countryside. 🌳🌊 I live on an island outside Stockholm.

The most remarkable home you’ve visited so far?
– Home of King of Sweden. 👑

Your happy place? 
– On our boat in Stockholm’s archipelago.🚤

Travel bag or suitcase?  
– Suitcase. I’m literally living in one. 🧳

If you only could bring one tool, what would that be? 🧰
– Corkscrew.

Your best travelling advice?
– Prepare for the worst.

Your favorite means of transportation (besides using SWIFT? ) 
– I love fast vehicles 💨 and being able to combine that with battery operation, which we at SWIFT have also done, is really “new ways to move” and a step towards caring for our planet. 🌍

The most memorable installation (so far)?
– In Kuala Lumpur. A 4-floor penthouse on the 20th floor where we installed a SWIFT home lift.

What do you like the most about the SWIFT home lift?
– That it’s easy to install and has incredibly good operational reliability.

What skills are required to do your job?
– Having an open mind, being a little handy, and having an eye for detail. 👀

What do you love most about what you do at SWIFT?
– The meetings with new cultures and all our partners who are extremely talented entrepreneurs.

Cooking or eating out?
– I really enjoy cooking and pairing it with good wine. 🥘 🍷

Your guilty pleasures?
– I always listen to House music when I cook. 🎶

The happiest customer?
– An elderly couple where the husband has suffered from a stroke. Installing SWIFT into their home has made it easier for them to live together. 👵👴

Your ultimate life hack?
– Have fun! 🥳